Sep 1, 2017
Enjoy this classic episode from the Vineyard Playhouse in Vineyard Haven, MA (SY-725R) with original host Richard Sher. Author and Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz took a seat as a guest at our table.
Host: Richard Sher
Musicians: Beetlebung Steel Band
Guest Player: Alan Dershowitz
Stereo Left:
Carolyn Faye Fox, Arnie Reisman, Alan Dershowitz
Stereo Right:
Flash Wiley, Francine Achbar, Barry Nolan
Round 1: Units of Measure
Round 2: Bluff - Wheeple
Round 3: Fictional Sports Trivia
Spotlight Round: Odd Man Out
Round 4: Buff - Chang
Round 5: First Fictional Locals